Help Center
For your convenience, we've put together a list of some of the most common questions we are asked and provided the answers.
What type of health insurance do you accept?
We accept most Major Medical Insurances and Medicare. Please call to know your specific physical therapy benefits.
Do I need a doctor's referral?
According to the New York State law, Chapter 298 of the Laws of 2006 allows physical therapists with three years of practical experience to treat patients without a referral beginning November 23, 2006. It also requires physical therapists treating without a referral to provide certain information to the patient about the possibility that treatment without a referral may not be an expense covered by the patient's health care plan or insurer. This document is intended to provide answers to the most frequent questions received from licensees and other interested parties regarding the changes to the law.
What conditions do you treat?
We provide patients with the best treatments for painful conditions, pre and post surgery, and conditions that limit their ability to move.
Check out the list of of conditions we treat and treatments we offer.

Hear it from our patients!
Knowing that we can restore our patient's mobility and help them live healthy lives again means the world to us.